Diploma In Biblical Discipleship and Advanced Diploma in Christian Ministry

Our study courses are run on a part-time basis over a period of 1 year...

Diploma In Biblical Discipleship and Advanced Diploma in Christian Ministry

Our study courses are run on a part-time basis over a period of 1 year...

Diploma In Biblical Discipleship and Advanced Diploma in Christian Ministry

Our study courses are run on a part-time basis over a period of 1 year...

Diploma In Biblical Discipleship and Advanced Diploma in Christian Ministry

Our study courses are run on a part-time basis over a period of 1 year...

Welcome To Christ’s Heart Discipleship College

Thank you for stopping by the Christ’s Heart Discipleship College website. We believe that it is intentional that you are here because we believe that attending Bible college is a transformative experience. The education and training provided here lay a solid foundation, equipping students to fulfil God’s unique plan and purpose for their lives.

Expect to grow, expect to be changed, expect to be challenged, expect to be stretched and expect God to prove Himself faithful to you as He teaches you.

What Christ’s Heart Discipleship College Offers

Christ’s Heart Discipleship College offers UK recognised Diplomas and runs on a part-time basis over a period of 1 year.

Year 1 – Diploma in Biblical Discipleship
This course is designed to lay a solid foundation in your life. You will learn through various subjects providing you a good grounding. On successful completion of Level 1, there is a Level 2 Advanced Diploma for those who desire to continue with their studies.

Year 2 – Advanced Diploma in Christian Ministry
This course runs on the same basis as Level 1, part-time over a 1-year period with a further 14 subjects.

Our sincere desire is to help equip and strengthen members from across the whole body of Christ to walk in the fullness of all that God has for them and to train them for the effective work of the ministry in whichever area God has called them to function.

Our Staff

Our courses benefit from a dedicated team of permanent lecturers plus guest lecturers. Rev Dr Keith Poole is the founder of Christ’s Heart Ministries UK and Senior Pastor of Christ’s Heart Church. He is passionate about equipping people to ‘thrive’ in life with ALL that God has made available to them. He trained at Rhema Bible Training Centre in South Africa and was ordained with IFCC in 2000 and CEEC in 2009. He is an Executive Director with The John Maxwell Team serving as part of the President’s Advisory Council.

New Student Intake

Christ’s Heart Discipleship College begins it academic year in September. We currently have students from various different churches across the West Midlands and beyond with some students accessing the course online. Registration is now open so make plans to enrol and get in touch. We aim to strengthen local churches so we require all students to be a committed member of a local church. There is a Minister’s referral form to be completed by your church minister.

5 Star Review

I have thoroughly enjoyed both first and second year of the Discipleship course. Both years were quite different so I would urge you to do both. I have grown in my faith – I hadn’t even realized that I had become stagnant! The more I learnt the more I wanted to know. It has given me a confidence to serve and I feel closer to God. Don’t limit yourself.

I would highly recommend you studying as well.

Chris Anderson

5 Star Review

Having gone to church for 39 years I thought to myself “I’ve had some good all-round teaching on various topics of the Bible and thought do I really need to go on the Discipleship College Course, and will it be on subjects I know about already?”  Well, how wrong was I, even topics I’d already heard about came alive and was explained more in depth in a simple and non-complicated way.

The 1st year was more academic in the sense that we covered many topics with quality teachers.  Having in-house and guest speakers brought a different dimension to the teaching, each having different styles and areas of expertise. The 2nd year also had excellent teaching, but I found it to be more practical in the fact that we had to do things like; a 5 minute personal story, a 15 minute preach and a 5-10 minute study on a character in the Bible.  Doing things like this although it pushed me out of my comfort zone, I felt a sense of achievement.  Some of the topics were more practical too in the sense we covered things like mental health and wellbeing, and training on how to be confident in public speaking.

I would definitely say that it has helped me to grow in my Christian walk, and has given me more of a desire to read the Bible. Would I recommend this Course, absolutely! 

Cath Hemingsley

5 Star Review

 I’ve been a Christian for just over 40 years, and attending a Disciple training course did not appeal to me in the slightest, especially on a Friday after work and also on a Saturday, my day off. Keith can be persuasive, but I still did not want to go. After speaking to Julia, my wife, we decided eventually we would attend, just to see what it was like, and of course we could drop out and get our money back, the course fee, if we thought we were wasting our time. Its amazing, you spend 40 years listening to sermon after sermon, week after week, and think you know most, if not all, of what you need to know. We looked at the titles of the subjects to be covered and thought, you know what, we won’t be attending for too long.


I have now come to the end of my second year, only missing a couple of weekends, due to not being here due to holidays, and even regretting missing those days. We have had Keith and Jenny, primarily, but also speakers from far and wide. Each and everyone bringing a new insight into what you think you already know. I know I have grown in knowledge of Gods word, and as a result grown as a person. My belief has grown, my prayer life has been strengthened, my faith has grown, and my love of God and what he has done for me has also grown. I could go on and on, but that would be boring, and Gods word is never boring. So, if you want to remain in your comfort zone, and don’t want to be challenged, or grow any more, this is not for you. But if you want to be re-energised and grow in God I can only recommend you attend this course – what have you got to lose.

Steve Straw

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